Easy integration in mind. Right from the beginning.
You don't need to adapt. Ellie will be configured to meet your needs exactly. Therefor Ellie can be easily integrated in your existing workflows. Of course all the results like dialogs, documents and reports are the way you need them to be.

1. Company Specific
To create your company-specific verision of Ellie information like machine types, key values, document formats and distribution need to be gathered together. We are committed to agile management, so improvement and further development of this specification is always appreciated.

2. Creation
Ellie is customised and configured for your specific challenges. New features, you may want, are created and integrated. Your own version of Ellie is brought to life. Together we further improve and adapt Ellie and test it, until it fits nicely into your existing workflows.

3. Integration
Your custom Ellie version is integrated into your existing workflows. From now on, you can leverage all the advantages of Ellie.

4. Continuously Improving
A lot of times great ideas for new features or improvements are experienced in the daily business. We encourage these new potentials and it is always possible to extend and develop Ellie to be even better.